
  • Marcus Bourbonnais
  • Ork
  • ~180 cm
  • 30s
  • Pansexual
  • French
  • Cis Man
  • Bouncer/Cleaner
  • Non Magic

  • About

    Marcus is a loner. Not much is known about him, except that he's competent and good at getting bloodstains out. He's also Suzanne's favourite employee, because he never fails her. While popular with his crew, outside of work, he stays on his own. The ork hates being disappointed by others.


  • • Meticulous about his looks.
  • • Good cook.
  • • Goes to the museum once a month.
  • • No fingerprints.
  • • Allergic to soy.
  • • Fascinated by augmentations.
  • • Military dropout.
  • • Isn’t good with feelings.
  • • Was abandoned as a teen.
  • • Moves out every year.
  • • Betrayed or killed many.
  • • Doesn’t trust magic.

  • Stories

    Cat Got In


    “What a mess.”