
“Wait, that's illegal?”


He/Him - Oni - German - Blood Druid - Adept

Stag grew up in a blood magic cult in the middle of the Black Forest until he managed to escape. With such a childhood, he is familiar with fighting and magic, which comes in handy since he decided to start running the shadows to pay his tuition. However, he has a lot of trouble with new technologies and some catching up to do with how society works.

Always keen to meet new people, Stag is easy to like, but can be rather clingy and is far too quick to trust others. The shadows can seem like a harsh place for such a personality, but he knows how to handle a blade and his mentor spirit makes sure that his protégé is not disrespected.



Gabriel [BFF / Team]

Partners in crime and mutual emotional support buddies. She often crash on his couch and he welcomes the company. His mentor, however, hates her.

Deep-Fry [Friend / Crush]

He has no idea how all this "decking" stuff works but at least now he doesn't get any spam. He finds him cute.


Elsbeth Hirsch [Mother]

Each month he sends a bit of money to help her but doesn't know that she puts it back on his bank account.

Suzanne [Boss / Fixer]

The woman he works for as a bartender and shadowrunner. He does not trust her.


Lisette Lafaille [Ex-lover]

She broke his heart. He made her look like a fool. She wants him dead. Somehow he is still in love.




• Knows blood magic but avoids using it in fear of bounty hunters.

• Is very promiscuous and falls in love easily.

• Enjoys the city life but misses the calmness of the forest.

• Fights with a knife and an axe & doesn’t mind killing.

• Is ambidextrous.


Summer Night


• Is a bartender but never drinks alcohol.

• If bored will steal or pickpocket random stuff.

• Feels more comfortable when hiding his features.

• If angered might go berserk.

• Face can look like a deer skull when using magic.


spirit glow eyes
stag game portrait stupid
ref murder is ok