I'm a little guy from the hexagon with too much imagination. I happen to know how to handle a pen and can manage to write without too many typos so that means I can make stuff about my ocs.

Yeah, that's what I do, rotating imaginary characters in my head until they get nauseous.

Anyway, I have many of them, and some come from ttrpg settings that I play with friends. You know, those NPCs you can't get rid of. Oh yeah, I'm a GM for Shadowrun and Pathfinder campaigns.

I made this site because I always liked playing around with coding, even if half the time I have no idea what I'm doing, and wanted my own little place on the web to show my stuff. Also, while social media has been a good way to make friends, I never liked how my posts get lost in the flood of new content and then I have to play speleology because my brain forgets to tag stuff.

Thanks for checking and have a great day!